Author: Hera Oktadiana

Fidan Ruhulla Valizade is a doctoral student at Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management and a senior researcher in museology at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on the cultural aspects of Islamic (religious, halal) tourism in Azerbaijan. Her real-life experiences visiting Muslim countries form the foundation of…

“Empowered women empower industry.” As a womanprenur & business lecturer at Trisakti Institute of Tourism Indonesia, we do not only develop businesses and teach. In a hospitality society, we are bridging gaps in understanding, respect, and opportunity. Muslim women have the capacity to impact the future through innovation, resilience, and leadership.

Research Topic: Understanding Muslim Tourists’ Perceptions and Expectations of Muslim Friendly Tourism in the United Kingdom “Before advocating for muslim-friendly tourism, let us first embody the essence of being friendly muslims. Through kindness, respect, and understanding, we can truly represent the values that inspire an inclusive and welcoming tourism experience for all.” – Siska Mandalia

Philip L. Pearce and Hera Oktadiana Muslim tourists are not just like any other group. These differences lie not merely in their needs for halal food, prayer facilities and respect but also in the very suite of reasons that drive their holiday journeys. Travel Motivation of Muslim Tourists | 6 | Are They Really Different?…

Oktadiana, Hera; Pearce, Philip L.; Pusiran, Arif Kamisan; Agarwal, Manisha Indonesia and Malaysia have a combined population of ~225 million Muslims. Little academic work has been conducted on their motives for nonpilgrimage, leisure-based travel. Building on the travel career pattern approach for assessing tourist motivation, the this study sought to uncover the motivational patterns of Muslim tourists in…